This is a compilation of information on these design elements to be informative to the ACC specialists approving applications for these elements. This works in concert with the other materials and the Residential Improvement Guidelines.
Cedar wood privacy fences and 2-rail and 3-rail split rail fencing was original. The ACC approves these types of fencing. Maximum height is 6 feet for a privacy fence and pickets should be vertical and all the same height. When alongside a sidewalk, the fence must be offset by 18 inches.
The ACC has also allowed welded wire on the inside of a split-rail fence, not to exceed top rail height.
Composite material (such as Trex) may be approved to match existing perimeter fence (vertical only, winchester grey and flat caps).
Privacy Screening
The ACC has approved various plain types of privacy screening around patio areas. They have been similar to a privacy fence.
Garbage Bin Storage
RIG’s require trash bins stored outside to be stored within an enclosed structure, appropriately screened from view. Any enclosure requires ACC approval. Any enclosure should be as inconspicuous as possible and look like it is an extension of the house or fencing. Possible solutions:
1. Match and be made to look like an extension of the house using the same siding material painted to match the house.
2. Match and be an extension of the homeowner’s current privacy fencing. Fencing should be made of wood or a composite material with wood grain and pickets placed vertically. No vinyl fencing.
(Revised October 2024)