Board Meeting Minutes: October 2023


Regular Board Meeting October 9, 2023 – Unofficial Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: President, James Keating called the meeting to order at 6:15pm. Present were Member at Large, Michael Garnsey; Business Manager, Katie Kidwell; ACC Manager, Emily Maxfield; Landscape Manager, Nancy Bauer; Tennis Manger, Jill Ellsworth; and Pool Manager, Jaylene Jones.  Vice President, Chris Evans; Secretary, Ginny Karlberg; Treasurer, Kelly McCormick; and Social Committee Co-Chair Olivia Phillips attended the meeting via Zoom. Homeowner Cole Walton and Swim Team Parent Representative Kristen Kraus attended a portion of the meeting.

MINUTES: The minutes of the September 11 regular meeting were approved as read. 

RATIFICATION OF BOARD ACTIONS: There were no Board Actions to ratify. 

FINANCIAL REPORT: Kelly reported that she and President James Keating worked with several banks to secure very favorable terms for the line of credit needed to finance the Perimeter Fence. Kelly moved the Board accept the line of credit terms offered by First American State Bank. James seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Kelly mentioned that another bank, Collegiate Peaks, also presented competitive terms including services that will be helpful in future dues collections. Kelly moved and James seconded a motion that the HOA move its primary operating account from BOK to Collegiate Peaks. The motion passed unanimously. The Vectra Bank account that held the reserve fund will be closed. Once these changes are completed the HOA will maintain the reserve funds at First American State Bank and the operating account at Collegiate Peaks.

Kelly also reminded managers and those present that all budgets presented to the Board are requests. The Board will review each presented budget and use it to develop the overall Association budget. Managers may be asked to modify their requests in order to keep dues increases within the bylaw governed increases or less. 

Operating expenses for September totaled $ 75,163 and were comprised in part of $3,019 in trash & utilities; $14,774 in Administrative expenses; $18,666 in Landscape expenses; $37,060 in Pool expenses, and $1,120 in Tennis expenses. 

SWIM TEAM: 2024 Parent Representative Kristen Kraus introduced herself to the Board. Swim Team will advertise for their Head Coach in the November Homestead Herald. The Swim Team has updated their Bylaws which were approved by the Swim Team Board and historical members and are posted on the Swimtopia website.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Co-chair Olivia Phillips presented the Social Committee budget to the Board.

HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: Cole Walton introduced himself to the Board and asked a few questions about the perimeter fence. James Keating is  liaising with Split Rail Fence Company weekly and updated the Board that there are 30 sections of fencing overall. Split Rail completed one and two last week despite running into a lot of interference with tree roots. Section 3 is underway and section 4 is about to begin. Homeowners are responsible for removing all tree and plant material away from the fence line by 12 inches, including trimming overhanging branches to a height of 7 feet along Homestead Parkway where the fence height will be 6 feet. Homeowners are only responsible for clearing vegetation in their own yards.  The HOA will clear vegetation on the HOA side of the fence.


  1. POOL: Manager Jaylene Jones presented the pool budget and went through the reserve items that are urgent. Jaylene also presented the Board with an addendum to the 2024 contract due to the increase in Colorado minimum wage.
  2.  LANDSCAPE: Manager Nancy Bauer discussed a division of labor with the board regarding issues that arise with the Perimeter Fence installation. Tree and shrub clearance is being performed ahead of each fence sequence on the HOA side of the fence. The stair railings at the North Pool and the Magnolia cut-through have been painted and various maples throughout the property are scheduled for deep root fertilization. Nancy presented her budget to the Board. 
  3. TENNIS: Manager Jill Ellsworth presented her budget.
  • ACC/TASK FORCE: Manager Emily Maxfield discussed complaints about cars being parked in the South Pool parking lots rather than at owner houses. The Board does not want the HOA parking lots used to store cars. Covenant violations will be issued when cars are left in the lots. The Board and Emily discussed charging application fees for ACC applications. The fees would help defray the increasing cost of the ACC work for the HOA. The Board agreed and the ACC will set a fee and communicate it to the community. Emily reviewed her budget with the Board.
  •  BUSINESS: Katie reported on fence installation notifications to owners and asked the Board about their preferences regarding the HOA Facebook (FB) page. The Board agreed the linked FB page should be information only without comments. Homeowners may use the other Homestead pages to comment. Some homeowners have asked Katie if they can pay the fence special assessment now instead of waiting until invoiced next April. The Board suggested Katie begin accepting payments as doing so will help fund the installation without using the line of credit. Katie presented her budget and reserve fund items to the Board.

OLD BUSINESS: The Board acknowledged the decision last winter to provide snow removal for the common area walking paths and sidewalks throughout the community.  Snow and ice removal was initiated in a trial last winter and was received with much appreciation from many homeowners.  The Board continues to acknowledge that not all residents believe snow removal is necessary, but the majority of feedback is in favor of snow removal.  As was discussed at the annual meeting, a community vote is not required to commence snow removal.  The neighborhood foliage has changed significantly with mature trees shading many sidewalk areas especially the major thruway of Easter.  Once a major snow is not cleared, significant areas that never get sun remain snow and ice packed for the remainder of the winter.   Homestead has many walkers of all ages many of whom resort to walking in the street when the sidewalks are icy.  This is extremely dangerous.     The Board has fully researched all   legal issues and accepted the legal recommendation  to regularly remind homeowners that just because a path is cleared of snow it is not a guarantee of safe passage.  The Board agreed to accept the Snowology snow removal contract for 2023-2024.

NEW BUSINESS: The ACES Swim Team asked that the club be able to rent the North Pool for afternoon practices through November 2. The Board agreed.

ADJOURNMENT AND CALENDARING: The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.  The next regular Board Meeting will be on Monday, November 13 at 6:30pm at the Business Office.


  1.  Homeowners who want to pay the $3,100 special assessment in full immediately are welcome to do so by sending a check for $3,100 to the Business Office.
  •  Snow Removal will be provided on greenbelts and south sidewalks. Homeowners need to remember that snow removal does not guarantee safe passage.
  • Homeowners who have questions regarding the Perimeter Fence should email the Business Office at if they can’t find the answers online or in the Homestead Herald.