Our Community
Homestead in the Willows consists of 898 single family homes and nearly 15 acres of greenbelt space built in 1975 in southeastern Arapahoe County. In fact, our community was built well before our city, Centennial, was established in 2001. We are adjacent to the award-winning Homestead Elementary School in the Cherry Creek School District and to Willow Spring Open Space, part of South Suburban Parks and Recreation.
Our community includes three outdoor pools and eight tennis courts. The Homestead in the Willows Homeowners Association maintenance responsibilities include these sites, an office area, exterior building envelopes, exterior lights (pool building and site), lifeguard break areas, pool mechanical rooms, pool restrooms, spas, trellis areas, pool furniture, concrete walkways and stairs throughout the greenbelt areas and pool areas, site timber and block retaining walls, and two asphalt paved parking lots.
Community Governance
Our Homeowners Association is governed by an elected five-member board of directors. Directors are volunteers and residents of our community. They serve three-year terms, which are staggered so that each year a third of the directors’ terms expires. Directors meet in public monthly to conduct the business of our community and homeowners are encouraged to attend. Learn more about our board meetings and see the governing documents and policies that guide our community.
About Our HOA
We are a community-run association with a business office at 5896 E. Geddes Ave. in our community that’s open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday to support residents. Homeowners may also call the office at 303-793-0230 or email the business manager at businessmgr@homesteadinthewillows.org. Learn about our newsletter, social media and other ways to stay connected here.
HOA staff consists of a full-time business manager and additional part-time managers who support activities associated with our landscaping, pools and tennis.
Contact Us
Board of Directors:
- Board President James Keating, pres@homesteadinthewillows.org, 720-701-0643
- Board Vice President Chris Evans, vp@homesteadinthewillows.org, 214-394-6779
- Board Secretary Ginny Karlberg, sec@homesteadinthewillows.org, 303-564-6336
- Board Treasurer Kelly McCormick, treas@homesteadinthewillows.org, 303-358-4577
- Board Member Michael Garnsey, member@homesteadinthewillows.org, 303-210-9152
HOA Staff:
- Business Manager Katie Kidwell, businessmgr@homesteadinthewillows.org, 303-793-0230
- Landscape Manager Nancy Bauer, n.bauer50@gmail.com, 303-241-6212
- Pool Management Company – Front Range Recreation, office@frontrangerecreation.com, 303-617-0221
- Tennis Manager Jill Ellsworth, jill.ellsworth@comcast.net, 303-808-4513
Ways to Get Involved
We appreciate our community volunteers who help make Homestead such a wonderful place to live. Volunteer opportunities include the following:
- Board of Directors
- Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
- Social Committee